People are moving through their exercises and to a healthier life. Hip Hop Abs and P90X are two programs helping them accomplish their goals. Hip Hop Abs and P90X are provided by the same fitness company, Beach Body. Yet, that doesn’t make them the same programs. Each has it’s own approach and exercise routines.

Hip Hop Abs works even without using diet pills and that’s a big pushing point for the program. This program even boosts that there is no need to set diet either. It’s success is in the program’s exercises that work with healthy food consumptions. Dancing exercise is the focus instead of a traditional abs exercise routine. The routines have a variety of focus elements from fat burning to abs workouts then a full body workout.

This is an intense workout set to high-energy music developed to keep you motivated to move. Nutrition guidance and a workout calendar are also part of the program. You will notice defined abs and enhanced energy levels while on this program. It really does work.

P90X provides a program that guarantees results in 90 days and it works. It is a DVD series with 12 workout sessions that go along with a nutrition program. If you are dedicated to this program and follow the instructions you will get fit. You will start to see defined abs if you work an hour each day. These sessions focus on various body areas such as abs, cardio and biceps.

Performing the exercises correctly is vital to success and use of such equipment as a resistance band and dumbbells enhances workouts. The program is an advantage for anyone that wants to stay out of the gym or stay away from classes.

So if you are wondering what really works – Hip Hop Abs or P90X, it’s up to you and what you want.

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