In recent years, we have seen a plethora of fitness trends and diets. With so much information it is often too overwhelming to make an educated decision on what truly works. In any business, sales and profit are the major source of income for any corporation. Marketing departments spend millions of dollars researching on how to increase sales of their products. What has been discovered is celebrity endorsed products can substantially increase profit. In return for the endorsement the celebrity collects compensation for their image.

Often they are allowing the company to use their image or name without actually using the product or service. Because millions of dollars are spent on marketing research they know exactly what will trigger your emotions to make you purchase their product or service. However, the consumer is left to decipher what is true or false. So, how can conflicting exercise, and diet information be deciphered?

Begin with the knowledge that there are many answers that can be based on many factors. These factors include your genetics, your body mass index (lean muscle verses fat); what you ingest (caloric intake) verses how much you burn, your cardiovascular activities, and more importantly your lifestyle. Lifestyle is defined as your job and the daily activities that you perform throughout the day. So, how can you decide what is best for your personal individual fitness goals at your current fitness level?

Let us Begin with Step number 1:

1. Determine your fitness goals

To determine your fitness goals, take into consideration your current fitness level and lifestyle. Are you currently getting any physical activities? Physical Activities include:

A. Walking your dog

B. Bowling

C. Washing your car

D. Taking a flight of stairs

E. Brisk Power-Walking

If your lifestyle does not include any of the examples similar to letter A- D above, your fitness goals should include more cardiovascular activity. Beginners should include 15-20 minutes of cardio vascular activities 2-3 times per week. Intermediate to advance should include 30-90 minutes 3-4 times per week. Cardiovascular is defined as the design or performing to cause a temporary increase in heart rate (as to improve heart function and reduce the risk of heart disease).

A cardiovascular work out includes the use of treadmills, stationary bicycles and other equipment used to increase your heart rate. For more information on how to calculate your target heart rate you can visit

2. Write your fitness goals down and post them in a visible place.

Make sure goals are realistic and weight loss is no more than 2 pounds per week.

A . Include realistic weekly weight loss goals.

B. Post goals in an area that you spend the majority of your time.

C. Post goals in a visible place like the refrigerator, bathroom mirror or car dashboard.

3. Create a weekly eating and exercise plan.

A. Without a schedule to achieve your fitness goals, your plan will continue to be a dream.

B. If you are always on the go, prepare snacks so that you always have healthy snacks.

4. Enlist the help of positive friends and family for accountability in reaching your fitness goals.

A . Only tell positive family members and friends who will encourage your goals.

B . Loosing Weight or Toning is not easy. The less negative energy or thoughts you have increase the probability of success.

5. Refer to the New Food Pyramid to compile a nutrition plan.

Visit for additional information on constructing your plan.

A. Plan weekly meals using the new food pyramid.

B. Curb fast food restaurants until reaching the half way mark.

C. DO NOT CONFUSE WEIGHT LOSS WITH NOT EATING AT ALL. (Weight loss is often achieved through drastic measures that include starvation and liquid diets, but the damage done to your body is not immediate. Your body needs fuel to function. Not fueling your body properly can wreck havoc on your organs over time.)

6. Establish a consistent workout schedule.

Enlist the help of a professional certified personal trainer to teach you proper exercise technique. Or enlist the help of an accountability partner and both of you research proper training techniques.

A . Consult a physician before beginning any workout regimen

B. While in the gym focus on your workout and limit socializing.

C . While exercising make sure you are breathing in through the nose and out of the mouth.

D . Stay hydrated throughout the workout.

E. Stop immediately, if pain or discomfort is felt.

F. Don’t over train to reach goals sooner.

7. Weight gain did not occur overnight therefore losing those extra pounds will not happen overnight.

A. Be patient with your success and everyday is a day to achieve those daily goals.

B. Stay positive in knowing that fitness is a journey not a destination.

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