Getting six pack abs today is not easy, especially in today’s society where everyone is so busy. Inside this article, you will find tips and exercises that you can use to train your abs at home without having to hit the gym.
How Can You Workout Your Abs While You Are At Home?
Abdominal workouts can be done easily at home, especially during your free time when you are watching the TV or listening to the radio. The ab exercises below are some of the best ones I use to keep my stomach lean when I’m busy.
The Top 3 Ab Workout Exercises You Can Do At Home
1. The Ab Bicycle Stomach Exercise
Firstly, you will have to lie down on your back and put your hands on the back of your head. Slightly lift your legs off the floor so that your knees are in the air. Bring your left elbow and right knee together in a cycling motion, tough your elbow and knee, and then return to the starting position. Repeat this movement with your right elbow and left knee, and continue this movement alternatively.
2. Knees to Chest Crunch
This exercise is especially useful for your lower abdominals. Sit down and put both your hands at the sides of your body. Raise up your legs and curl your knees towards your chest as close as possible. Once you feel that your abs strained, straighten your legs again and repeat this movement.
3. The Basic Crunch
Lie down and bend your legs while keeping your feet on the floor. While you are supporting the back of your head with your hands, raise your torso towards your knees using your ab muscles.
These exercises are good for keeping your abs in good shape, but you have to understand that they are not the only thing you need to do to get great abs. You will also need to eat the right foods at the right times. Many people fail with their ab training efforts because they don’t know the right way to lose fats around their stomach.